Food supplements

Compléments alimentaires

Here are the most important dietary supplements.

1. Spirulina

This seaweed is considered by some nutrition researchers to be the food of the future due to its incredible ability to synthesize high quality, concentrated food more efficiently than any other seaweed.

Remarkably, this micro-algae is made from 55-77% complete protein (depending on culture source), with all essential amino acids in perfect balance. By comparison, beef is only 31% protein.

Spirulina also has a photosynthetic conversion rate of 8 to 10%, while other plants growing on land such as soybeans only have a rate of 3%.

This algae provides large amounts of over 100 nutrients in an easily assimilated form: amino acids, minerals, pigments, rhamnose sugars (complex sugars from natural plants), trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, sodium, potassium, selenium), enzymes (superoxide dismutase, etc).

This micro-algae contains vitamins: A, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8, B12, K and beta-carotene.

Vitamin B12 remains the most difficult to obtain in a meat-free diet. The very high presence of B12 in this seaweed therefore makes it a food of choice for vegetarians.

Vitamin A protects hair, nails, eyes and skin. Vitamin E protects our cells and maintains the proper development of physical and intellectual abilities.

This micro-algae is also very rich in chlorophyll and phycocyanin (which gives it the blue-green color). Chlorophyll facilitates the absorption of iron into the blood. Phytocyanin can strengthen the immune system.

This micro-algae also contains essential fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6, linoleic acid and gamma-linoleic acid. This regulates menstruation and cholesterol levels.

The prolific reproductive capacity of spirulina cells and their propensity to adhere in colonies make this algae a large, easy-to-harvest plant mass.

Its ability to grow in warm, alkaline environments guarantees it a good hygienic status (since no other organism can survive to pollute the waters in which it grows). Contrary to the stereotypical association between microorganisms and microbes, this microalgae is actually one of the cleanest and most naturally sterile foods found in nature.

In addition, the heat adaptation of this small algae ensures that it retains its nutritional value when exposed to high temperatures, during manufacturing and storage, unlike many plant foods which deteriorate. quickly at high temperature.

Spirulina stimulates the creation of lactobacilli (which improve digestion and intestinal absorption) and can therefore reduce the risk of intestinal disease.

This seaweed helps fight anemia (especially that related to lack of iron) thanks to the large amount of iron it contains (20 times more than spinach or beef liver).

This micro-alga helps to reduce the neurotoxic effect caused by heavy metals (ingested via food) such as mercury, lead and arsenic.

2.Krill / Omega 3

Attention there are several kinds on the market but not all with the same component it is imperative that it includes the following 3 elements EPA + DHA / AEP ADH and see the dosage because some capsules are so low dosed that it would be necessary to swallow 30

That's why I can provide you with krill oil which is easier to ingest and 4 capsules/day is enough.

Mood disorders, depression and other related disorders of the nervous system. Indeed, for these disorders, concentrated EPA, with as little DHA as possible, is more effective than the other proportions.

For indications of inflammation, EPA is theoretically the molecule to look for, but clinical studies do not show any advantage in choosing a product containing only EPA. The total dose (EPA+DHA) is more important than the proportion. Choose a product that is more concentrated in EPA than in DHA.

For cardiovascular indications, both omega 3s are required. It is the total dose that matters.

3. Glucosamine & Chondroitin

It is a substitute helping to renew cartilage etc. Because from about 35 years we do not renew much or more! Here is the explanation below:

Glucosamine sulfate is a by-product of chitin, a compound found in the cartilage and cartilaginous fluids of sea crab shells. This product is very popular for the treatment of degenerative connective tissue diseases, mainly osteoarthritis.

Glucosamine is made naturally by the human body and it acts as a fundamental building block in a whole series of compounds found on the surface of cells, in the cell membrane and in the molecules of the interstitial structures that hold cells together.

Glucosamine sulfate is stabilized with sodium chloride (NaCl) or potassium chloride (KCl). Both forms seem equally effective, but potassium chloride is the preferred form because there is usually too much salt already in the diet.

The glucosamine sulphate offered on the market is often combined with chondroitin sulphates which draw fluids into the cartilage tissues.


  • Reduces joint pain associated with osteoarthritis
  • Prevents joint pain associated with arthritis
  • Stimulates the synthesis of new cartilage
  • Relieves tendinitis
  • Recommended in cases of epicondylitis
  • Recommended in cases of Lenoir's thorn
  • Recommended in cases of weak immune system
  • Increases immunoglobulin stores
  • Helps the liver during metabolic problems (enzyme disturbances)
  • Anti-inflammatory during irritation or ulceration of the digestive system
  • Neutralizes the formation of fatty acids
  • Decreases hypercholesterolemia
  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis
  • Possible treatment of cardiovascular diseases
  • Contributes to the formation of nails, skin, eyes, heart valves, respiratory and urinary mucous membranes

Action mechanism :

  • Helps achieve cartilage synthesis by increasing key constituents such as glucosaminoglycans and promoting the incorporation of sulfur into cartilage
  • Stimulates the synthesis of new cartilage by attracting essential, nutrient-rich fluids.